SMSC Rationale

At Shirley Manor Primary Academy, we recognise that Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC) is central to the education of all children and permeates the whole curriculum and ethos of the school.

It is reflected in the behaviours of individuals and in their interactions and also in the provision of teaching, resources and learning environments.

Spiritual development is concerned with the exploration and development of feelings and emotions; personality, individuality and uniqueness; and knowledge and understanding of their own and different beliefs and cultures.

Moral development relates particularly to developing knowledge and understanding of right and wrong. Children learn to make choices in their behaviour through developing knowledge of boundaries and understanding of consequences. They learn by example and by practising through role-play, story and group activities.

Social development relates to the development of knowledge and understanding and the acquisition of skills in relating to others. This begins with family and friends and extends to the wider community beyond. Children are taught to respect each other and to appreciate each other’s similarities and differences. An awareness and understanding of, and respect for, the environments in which they live is also developed.

Cultural development is concerned with encountering the defining aspects of different cultures. Explorations of values, beliefs, customs, foods, artefacts and stories allow the children to make comparisons and develop knowledge of lifestyles and choices of others.

For further information please read our full rationale, look at our SMSC  grid below.

SMSC can also be found on class pages.

SMSC Rationale