
Chair of Governors – Mr Stephen Holmes

I joined the Governing Body of Shirley Manor in April 2022.

My decision to join the board was driven by my being a former pupil of Shirley Manor and recognising the powerful, formative effect it had on my development. I am keen to provide my support to help the school succeed, and the pupils maximise their potential.

I have spent my career in the finance sector, and am married with a young daughter.




Category of Governor – Community
Appointed by: GB Board
Date of Appointment: 5th April 2022
Term of Office: 4 Years
Business Interests: None


Parent Governor & Vice Chair of Governors – Mr Neil Chivers

I have been recently elected on the Governing Body as a parent governor; a decision for which we had no qualms.   I see access to a great education as integral to personal development and I hope to be able to help with the ‘checks and balances’ at SMPA as part of my role.

With my role, I am the year 4 class governor and am responsibly for monitoring Health & Safety and the Sports Premium Grant.  I also sit on the Finance & Resources Committee.

Amongst other things, I speak Spanish and taught English to 7-16 year olds at Pedagogium Cos School, in Barcelona.


Category of Governor – Parent
Appointed by: Parents
Date of Appointment: 8th February 2022
Term of Office: 4 Years
Business Interests: Employee at ICH Services Ltd


Mr Nicky Reynolds – Parent Governor

I am delighted to have been elected as a Parent Governor.

I have a wife who attended SMPA during her youth and a daughter in Year 5. I have a Learning and Development background and run 2 training schools over the North of England.

I oversee the ICT curriculum and am linked with the year 5 class.  I am also a member of the Resources Committee. I look forward to coming into school and getting to know more about what happens behind the scenes and getting to know the students and teachers better.


Category of Governor – Parent
Appointed by: Elected by Parents
Date of Appointment: 6th December 2022
Term of Office: 4 Years
Business Interests: tbc


Headteacher – Mrs Heather Lacey

I have been the Headteacher of Shirley Manor Primary Academy since September 2016. I am enjoying making a difference to the children and staff at SMPA. I love travelling around the world exploring new places and can often be found in the company of elephants whether in the flesh or as the cuddly variety in my office. I am a keen Blackburn Rovers fan (no laughing please!) and can often be found watching my favourite team.

I am on all committees and support the Governors with the knowledge of the running of the school.




Appointed: Ex Officio
Business Interests: None



Teaching Staff Governor – Mrs Gail Whitmore


I have been a teacher at Shirley Manor since 2010 and I am the staff Governor. I have recently been appointed as Deputing Headteacher & SENCo and I am enjoying my new role. I have 2 teenage boys, a cat and a dog all of whom keep me very busy. I enjoy spending time with my family, going on holiday, keeping fit.

I sit on the School Improvement Committee





Appointed by – Member Elected
Date of Appointment: Re-elected 9th January 2018
Term of Office – 4 Years
Committees I serve on – School Improvement
Position of Responsibility –SEND /PSHE
Business Interests – None


Non-Teaching Staff Governor – Mrs Tina Copley


I am the Business Manager at Shirley Manor and a non-teaching Governor. I feel privileged to work at such an amazing school and be part of the staff team and governing body at Shirley Manor.  I began working at school part-time in 2001 and have seen the school go through many changes over the years. I also live in the village and have a good knowledge of our community and the local area.

In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, cooking, reading, walking and more recently I’ve taken up running and I’ve learned to sew!

I sit on the Resources and Finance Committee and I am responsible for attendance.



Category of Governor – Staff (non-teaching)
Appointed by: Member Elected
Date of Appointment: 1st March 2014 re-elected 2018
Term of Office: 4 Years
Position of Responsibility: School Business Manager
Business Interests: None