
Pupils who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at a higher level than students who do not have regular attendance.  Pupils who attend school everyday also form better relationships with their peers and staff.

Poor punctuality also has a detrimental effect on a child’s learning. If a child is coming in to school late every day, they are missing the important start of a lesson and causing disruption to the class.


Our Attendance Officer

Mrs Rice monitors attendance on a daily basis.  If your child is unable to attend school due to illness or any other reason, then you should inform school before 9am.  You can ring the school office on 01274 679320 and select option 1; a voicemail message can be left if you are ringing out of office hours.  Alternatively, you can send a Dojo message to the school office or Mrs Rice directly.

We work in partnership with the Local Authority

To improve our attendance, we have invested in the services of the Local Authority’s Attendance & Safeguarding Team, who will be helping us to reach our goals.

Helen Taylor is our allocated Attendance & Safeguarding Officer and she will be working closely with us to monitor attendance. If your child’s attendance slips below 90% it is likely that you will receive some form of communication from Helen.

There may be slight changes in our attendance procedures as we continue to work towards improving attendance and punctuality in school

Some of these will be:

  • If your child is absent for 1 week, evidence of their illness must be provided or it will NOT be authorised, this is proof of an appointment with a doctor, or by showing prescribed medication.
  • If your child’s attendance is below 90% and they often have ‘odd days off’, school may choose not to authorise without evidence of the illness.

Please help us improve our attendance by NOT taking your child on holiday during term time.

There are 175 days (weekends and school holidays) per year to use for family holidays.


School opens at 8.30am. Class registers are taken whilst breakfast is being served, between 8:30am-8:45am.  At 8.45am the registers are closed; any children arriving after this time must come and sign in through the main entrance, where they will be asked to provide a reason for the late arrival.  Arrivals after 8:45am will be marked late.  Any child arriving after 9:15am will be marked with an unauthorised absence, unless medical evidence is provided for an appointment.